
Apple is on the table!

Well, English is not my mother tongue. My first language is italian. Now I'm studying russian but it doesn't matter!
Why do I decide to write my blog in English?
Just because I believe more people could understand me and mostly because I don't like my country so I can dream about living everywhere else.

So I will make mistakes, use wrong expressions or simply say something weird, I ask you to be gentle and patient if you what you want to follow me and please correct me if I write something completely wrong!



  1. 1.) Why do you dislike Italy?
    2.) Wanna trade places?
    3.) I'm so glad you stopped by my page:)
    4.) Youre adorable.
    5.) That picture of your underwear is just too awesome.

  2. First! I think you're awesome!
    Italy is full of italian people, this is the problem! I'm italian ok but here everybody is so mean and dishonest and nothing works! Ok I'll stop complaining now! :D
    But yes I'd like to move, maybe UK! or my big love Norway! but I love also United States, I've been only one time lot of years ago!
    Thank you so much for all the sweet things you wrote! I really like your view of life! great!

  3. Ok... i'm Italian like you with a not-used Master's degree in Foreign Languages for Business and International Cooperation.
    I think you had a great idea writing in English, we can practice it toghether and if you need help I'm here! I recently opened a blog too, about my (very sad) experience as call-center operator... glad if you'll come and visit! ;)

  4. Your English is brilliant. I'm not able to speak any other languages and always think that people who can speak more than one are very talented! Especially for you to write your whole blog in it, awesome!

    1. Thank you so much Laura! You're too kind! I definitely need to improve my english!
      I like very much this language and I think it's so effective!
      Anyway noe I'm studying Russian and it's soooo difficult!!


Thank you so much for stopping by and saying hey! I really appreciate it.